About Us

Our Beliefs

That the Bible is the Word of God and the only basis upon which to establish one’s faith and life. That there is only one God, the creator of heaven and earth.  That everyone is born a sinner and, as such, is under God’s just condemnation. That God’s son, Jesus Christ, is the only one who can rescue us from our sin and its consequences. That forgiveness of sin, peace with God and the assurance of heaven are given only to those who trust Jesus Christ as saviour. That those who have been truly saved will strive to live holy lives in obedience to the Word of God. That Jesus Christ is the King of all nations and should be acknowledged as such by all. That Jesus Christ will one day return to this world in order to complete God’s plan of salvation.


Like most historic reformed churches, worship centres on the reading and preaching of the Bible, with the response of the people to God in praises, prayer and giving.


Taken from press cuttings dated 1 September 1963 reporting the 200th anniversary of Limavady RP Church, Covenanters first settled in Northern Ireland in the 17th Century. Old records refer to preaching supplies being sent to Dungiven, Claudy, Bovevagh, Drummond and Artikelly. Evidence that faith flourished in the Limavady area is shown by the fact that five of the first eight Covenanting ministers were from the Limavady neighbourhood.

Matthew Lynn, of Larne, was ordained on August 25 1763 for the congreagations of Drumbolg, Garvagh, Ballylaggan and Limavady. Although the roots are much older we might call this the organisation of a congreagation in Limavady. At this time the congreation had no buildings and met in barns, private houses and in the open air. Mr Lynn went to USA in 1773 and was succeeded by Samuel Aiken who ministered from 1776 – 1790.

Joseph Orr ministered from 1798 – 1805. In 1806 the church building was erected. Other ministers were Clarke Houston 1814-1815, Robert Orr 1815 – 1827, Arthur Fullerton 1828 – 1841, James Kennedy 1843 – 1870, Thomas Cleland 1871 – 1873, William J Maxwell 1873 – 1874, William Dick 1875 – 1884, J.A.S Stewart 1887 – 1895, S Kennedy 1896 – 1924 and Robert B Lyons 1924 – 1975. During the pastorate of Mr Stewart the congregation built the present church and bought the first manse. During the pastorate of Mr Lyons a hall and new manse were built.

In the 200 years prior to 1963,  the congregation furnished thirteen students for the ministry, of whom eleven conpleted the course and served in various congregations. Since the article has been written our congregation has been ministered to by John Hawthorne 1977 – 1993, Robert Robb 1995 – 2009, and Raymond Blair 2011 – 2022. In January 2025 Kenny Stephenson was ordained and installed as minister.

Service Times

Sunday Morning Service - 12.00
Sunday Evening Service - 19.00

Contact Us

077 5768 0846


5 Greystone Road, Drumrane
Limavady, BT49 0ND


Tues Night, Home Study - 20.00
Wed Night, Church Hall - 20.00